
1st International PEROSH Conference on Prolonging Working Life, May 2020


May 25, 2020

till May 26, 2020




the National Research Centre for the Working Environment


Update 30th March 2020: Due to the COVID-19 situation we are changing the format to an online-conference the 25-26th May. Information about how to connect online for presenters as well as participants will follow shortly. The only requirement for presenters is to have the Chrome browser installed. A pdf of the Book of Abstracts will be send to registered participants before the conference.

Due to demographic changes across Europe, sometimes referred to as the ‘ageing society’, there is a strong political drive to maintain the labour force by prolonging working life, for example through increasing the retirement age. However, individual retirement intentions and the timing of retirement is an outcome of complex and dynamic processes that may not be in line with the intentions of political reforms.

The PEROSH project ‘Prolonging Working Life’ was initiated in 2018, and aims to determine push and stay factors regarding labour market participation of elderly workers across different European countries. Considering different regulations and cultures, the project wants to support and improve initiatives for preserving elderly workers at the labour market across Europe.

As part of the project an international conference for the PEROSH institutions and close collaborators will be held 25-26th May 2020, at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, Denmark. The aim of this conference is to share knowledge and stimulate networking within the PEROSH institutions about the topic of prolonging working life.

Location: Online – hosted by the National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Cost: Participation is free
Registration: Registration – please use this link to register, and to receive a free version of the Book of Abstracts (note that the ‘dietary requirement’ part is not relevant as the conference has changed to online format)”.
Abstract submission: Deadline is now closed

Topics for the conference

  • Physical/ergonomic work demands
  • Psychosocial work factors
  • Senior policies at the workplace
  • Country specific labor market policies on age (early retirement, unemployment)
  • Practical implementation of good senior practice at workplaces
  • Age discrimination
  • New technologies, digitalization
  • Individual factors and skills
  • Possibilities for changing “track” (other work tasks, change of job type)
  • Health surveillance systems at workplaces
  • Positive factors (wellbeing, inspiring work, good social climate etc)


Day 1: 25th May 2020
09:00-09:15 Opening by the hosting institution
09:15-09:45 Keynote by Prof. Lars L Andersen
09:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:30 Short presentation on aspects of prolonging working life (10 min + 5 min questions)
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-12:30 Keynote by Prof. Emeritus Reidar J. Mykletun
12:30-12:45 Break
12:45-14:15 Short presentations on health, work and self-management (10 min + 5 min questions)
14:15-14:30 Closing of Day 1

Day 2: 26th May 2020
09:00-09:15 Opening of Day 2
09:15-09:45 Keynote by Dr. Swenne G. van den Heuvel
09:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:45 Short presentations on senior policies and age management (10 min + 5 min questions)
11:45-12:15 Break
12:15-12:45 Keynote by Adjunct Professor Dr. Svetlana Solovieva
12:45-13:00 Break
13:00-14:30 Short presentations on physical work demands and physical capacity of the worker (10 min + 5 min questions)
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:15 Keynote by Dr. Sergio Lavicoli
15:15-15:30 Closing of the conference


Keynote speakers

Lars L. Andersen is professor at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, Denmark. His research focuses on healthy senior working life, musculoskeletal disorders, and physical and psychosocial work environment. The keynote will present Danish studies in relation to prolonging working life based on cohorts combined with high-quality registers on labor market participation, and present new results from the #SeniorWorkingLife study (SeniorArbejdsLiv.dk) – investigating Push, Stay, Jump, Pull and Stuck factors among older workers. The study is open for international collaboration.

Reidar J. Mykletun is professor emeritus at Stavanger Business School, University of Stavanger Norway. His 30 years of research experiences covers motivation for extended work life careers, retirement decisions, health and retirement, spouses’ effects on retirement, age discrimination, bullying of older workers at the workplace, and how leadership and organizational efforts may extend work life careers. His latest work on ageing workers and retirement has been in cooperation with NOVA at Oslo Met using NORlag data, and intervention research with Centre for Senior Policy (SSP), Oslo. The keynote will be based on Norwegian studies in relation to retirement decisions, age discrimination, and organizational efforts may extend work life careers.

Swenne G. van den Heuvel is a Senior Researcher at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research (TNO), the Netherlands. Her work experience includes national and international projects in the field of occupational health, in particular longitudinal studies on work-related musculoskeletal symptoms and psychosocial work characteristics. Her current research activities focus on the sustainable employability of ageing workers, but also of the younger generation based on the perspective that sustainable employability starts already early in life. She is the project manager of STREAM and CODI, both Dutch longitudinal studies aimed at sustainable employability. The keynote will present the TNO activities in the field of prolonging working life. In particular, the presentation will go into technological innovations and what it means for working life of older workers.

Svetlana Solovieva is senior researcher at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The keynote will focus on Working Life Expectancy based on questionnaire and register studies from the Nordic countries.

Sergio Lavicoli is Director of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology and Hygiene of the Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL) – World Health Organization Collaborating Centre (WHO CC). His research activity has been focusing on Work-related Stress and Psychosocial risk factors, innovative technologies, demographic changes with special reference to ageing of the workforce, occupational cancer, foresight of research priorities and strategies, cost effectiveness of OSH interventions and OSH policies. He is author of more than 850 publications including almost 200 in journals with impact factor. The keynote will focus on age management in the workplace, looking at the impact of technological innovation on the changing world of work and analysing how health surveillance programmes can better contribute to prolong working life.

Scientific Committee:
The PEROSH ‘Prolonging Working Life’ group: https://perosh.eu/research-projects/perosh-projects/prolonging-working-life/

Local Organizing Committee:
Annette Meng, Emil Sundstrup, Kirsten Jürgensen, Lars Andersen

The conference also has its own website, please distribute in your networks:

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