Wellbeing at Work: Webinar

Members of the Wellbeing Group

The PEROSH Wellbeing Group were recently invited by the UKK Institute (Finland) to present a Webinar to the HEPA Europe network about their work in PEROSH.

HEPA Europe is a WHO-network which works for better health and wellbeing in the WHO European Region through more physical activity for all people. Its mission is to provide a forum for the advancement of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) research, policy and practice across the WHO European region.

During the webinar, Ed Robinson (HSE), Noortje Wiezer (TNO) and Vincent Grosjean (INRS) of the PEROSH WB group presented an overview of PEROSH and then focussed on its wellbeing programme, ”good jobs”, the Wellbeing ”Tree” and the Wellbeing at Work conference series which will see its 5th edition in 2019.

The 1 hour unedited webinar is available to view:

The recording is also available on the UKK Institute’s website http://www.ukkinstituutti.fi/en/products-services/HEPAEuropewebinars

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