NFA: A questionnaire on societal impact of OSH research


As has lately been the case in many countries, an Expert Committee is currently scrutinizing the outcome for employees, enterprises and society of the efforts of the OSH actors in Denmark.
In the light of that, NFA is currently conducting a short questionnaire among the PEROSH members on how the impact of the PEROSH member institutes is measured and evaluated at present with regard to registration and evaluation of how research results are being used for policy development and regulation, by OSH consultants, and for real OSH improvements at enterprise level. Also, NFA would like to know to what extent user surveys or user panels are being used. And to be inspired by other smart methods for evaluation!
After receiving all contributions, NFA will share them between the PEROSH members for possible mutual inspiration!

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PEROSH comprises 15 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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