BEYOND4.0 Summer School 2019: ‘Work and Welfare in the Digital Age: what we know and what more we need to know’


BEYOND4.0 is an EU-project (Research and Innovation action) started as of January 2019. TNO is the coordinator and the project aims to help deliver an inclusive European future by examining the impact of new technologies on the future of jobs, business models and welfare. The project develops new knowledge for science, policymaking and practice.

One of its activities is to organise a Summer School in June 2019 (to be held in San Sebastian, Spain, on 3-4-5 June), and a follow-up Summer School in 2021 (May/June; United Kingdom – location to be announced). The Summer School has its focus on designing the study of Work and Welfare in the Digital Age, based on the newest insights of science and policy.

The Summer School will address the following topics:

  • How to study and research work and welfare in the digital age?
  • What kind of data sets are useful and how to best use and connect them?
  • How to study regional contexts and ecosystems and their economic digital transformation?
  • How to study socio-economic consequences of technological transformations?
  • How to understand future skills and roles of stakeholders?
  • How to study technological transformations from a historical perspective?
  • How to study company strategies that lead to future economic and social performance?
  • How to study platform economies in relation to welfare, tax and inclusiveness?

The Summer School welcomes:

  • PhD students and researchers in social sciences and history, technological innovation, data management and analytics, social policy and welfare states, organisation and management science
  • Policy makers in the field of digital transformation and its relation to technology, work, welfare and society at local, regional, national and EU-level
  • Practitioners and entrepreneurs in ecosystems development, and in building environments where digital transformations thrive and take place

Information about subscription to this exciting Summer School can be found in our flyer:

Flyer Beyond4.0 Summer School  2019


  • Prof. Chris Warhurst, University of Warwick
  • Prof. Steven Dhondt, TNO
  • Prof. Alfonso Unceta, University of the Basque Country

Organisers of the Summer School

Contact local organizer: Mr Egoitz Pomares:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 8222296.

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