Brokerage event on OSH Research in Stockholm

Maria Albin, Karolinska Institute

On the 8th November 2017 an interesting seminar took place in Stockholm, Sweden. The event was on EU-funding of research on sustainable work as a resource for health, innovation and growth. The interactive workshop informed the participants on new upcoming calls in Horizon 2020 and brokerage sessions took place on future joint applications. Both the Swedish Platform for Sustainable Work and PEROSH organized this Event.

Allan Larsson, Advisor to EU president Jean-Claude Juncker on the European Pillar of Social Right and former Director General at DG Employment, gave an interesting presentation, as did Ann Uustala from DG Research. Maria Albin, Professor, Karolinska Institute, Chair Sustainable work 2020 and Inger Schaumburg, Director of the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Vice chair PEROSH, opened the gathering of Swedish and other international researchers.

Jan Michiel Meeuwsen, PEROSH Manager of International Affairs, gave two speeches:

    • How to provide an integral approach to get your sustainable work and OSH expertise accepted in the EU
    • Other potential research funds within EU (Dg Employment, DG Growth, etc)

The presentations are now available online at:



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