After 10 years of transnational OSH research cooperation, the PEROSH network celebrated its anniversary and was very happy to see its members renew their commitment to cooperate on OSH by signing the new 2014-2018 PEROSH agreement
The event took take place in Paris on Monday, 12 May at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), the oldest industrial design museum in Europe.
To celebrate this anniversary and give an international voice to PEROSH research activities, the network invited other key representatives of the OSH community: the directors and representatives of NIOSH (USA), WSH (Singapore), IIOSH (Israel) and IRSST (Canada).
The PEROSH network was also very pleased to have the participation of three researchers who gave inspiring presentations on topical OSH issues:
-Economic dimension of OSH (Dr Emile Tompa, Senior Scientist, Institute for Work & Health, Canada)
-Communication technologies: new challenges at work (Dr Stefana Broadbent, Coordinator Digital Anthropology Programme, University College London, UK)
-Nanotechnology challenges: ethical questions and implications for society (Dr Alexei Grinbaum, LARSIM laboratory, CEA-Saclay, France).
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