A new feature of EU-OSHA’s visualisation tool “Safer and healthier work at any age” is now available! A series of country infographics was added to give readers an easy overview of how ageing at work impacts Europe and its individual countries.
The country infographics form part of the ‘country insights’ section – within the online visualisation tool – which also includes ‘country profiles’ where users can find all relevant facts and figures. Examples of occupational safety and health (OSH) and related policies, strategies and programmes of the EU28, EFTA countries and the EU can be also discovered.
The tool (and the country infographics) allows you to compare statistics from over 30 countries with those of others, or of the EU average as a whole. This could be especially useful for countries with younger populations who are yet to see the full effects of an ageing workforce, and who can learn from policies and strategies used elsewhere.
The visualisation tool came out of a European Parliament pilot project on the health and safety of older workers which resulted in a whole host of publications on the subject.
More information can be found at healthy-workplaces.eu.