„Healthy Workplaces Campaign Manage Dangerous Substances” is the topic of the new campaign organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) which will take place in over 30 European states. The campaign aims at raising awareness of the risks posed by dangerous substances in the workplace. Furthermore, it will promote a culture of risk prevention to eliminate and, where that is not possible, effectively manage these risks.
Dangerous Substances is an area of workplace safety and health where knowledge of the variety of possible risks and ways to tackle them is still low, therefore the new campaign has the following objectives:
- to raise awareness of the importance and relevance of managing dangerous substances in European workplaces and to the risks linked to exposure to carcinogens at work
- to promote risk assessment, elimination and substitution, as well as the hierarchy of prevention measures;
- to target groups of workers with specific needs and increased levels of risk (for example, women, migrants and young people);
- to increase awareness of policy developments and the current legislative framework.
The campaign starts in Germany on 25th April 2018 with the national kick-off in Dortmund. There are many ways to get involved in this campaign. For more information please have a look at the website or contact the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health as national Focal Point of the EU-OSHA.