IFA: Media for virtual reality in OSH


Simulated mixed environments are virtual environments augmented by real work equipment. A range of media are used for their presentation. For studies and trials employing virtual reality for occupational safety and health (OSH) purposes, the IFA makes use of:

  • A laboratory with a 24 m2 projection screen (SUTAVE Laboratory)
  • A small VR laboratory with a 6 m2 projection screen (SUTAVE MiniLab)
  • A mobile projection facility for demonstrations (SUTAVE Mobile)
  • Smartglasses and head-mounted displays for individual viewers (SUTAVE HMD).

In the IFA’s SUTAVE Laboratory, users are immersed in virtually infinite working worlds – of today and the future – with the aid of a 24 m2 projection area.

Two further systems exist:

SUTAVE HMD is used to project work situations in front of users’ eyes by means of a head-mounted display: the panoramic view of the virtual worlds appears almost limitless.

SUTAVE MiniLab and SUTAVE Mobile are used for demonstrations away from the IFA’s site. They display the same virtual working worlds as SUTAVE Laboratory, but on a smaller projection area. SUTAVE Mobile is a wearable virtual environment with virtual work situations “to go”.

For specific OSH applications, SUTAVE Laboratory and SUTAVE Mobile are supplemented by projections with SUTAVE HMD – enabling the prevention activity of tomorrow to be designed today.

These simulated environments offer ample opportunities to rethink, design and redesign working environments to make them more safe and healthy.


[button color=”#730046″ link=http://www.dguv.de/ifa/fachinfos/virtuelle-realitaet/medien-fuer-vr/index-2.jsp target=”_self”]Read more …[/button]

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