IST: TREXMO: A Tool for a More Reliable and Correct Exposure Assessment


fig_21Occupational exposure modelling is widely used in the context of the European Union regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals (REACH). As different exposure models are available, generating a reliable risk profile for a chemical and interpreting the exposure estimate adequately is a real challenge. Large uncertainties are usually associated with these estimates and two different models will produce different estimates for the same exposure conditions.

The Institute for Work and Health (IST) in collaboration with the University of Geneva has developed a new tool, named TREXMO, which integrates and connects the most used REACH models under a unique interface. The tool re-uses (translates) the entered exposure information in one model to guide the downstream users to the most correct use of the others models. Since TREXMO requires less input choices and less time, the users may become motivated to assess exposure in several models. The tool could support uncertain entry or selection of parameters in the six models, as well as improve between-user reliability.

As a research tool, TREXMO allows to compare quickly the outcome of different models for a large number of exposure scenarios (without measurements). This feature can be used to assess the different models in terms of consistency and conservatism.

Currently, the testing version is available online at URL:  Interested users are invited to try the tool and explore its features.

CONTACT: Nenad Savic (

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