News from the network


Dear readers

I am delighted to present to you our latest Newsletter. During the last half year, many developments took place within the PEROSH community.

In April this year, we had our regular meetings of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Steering Group in Lausanne, Switzerland. Our kind host was IST, our newest member from Switzerland.

In May, TNO hosted our annual meeting of the coordinators of the PEROSH joint research projects in Leiden, The Netherlands; these are research projects where two or more PEROSH members collaborate together and invest their own resources in the activities. You will find some news on these projects in this Newsletter edition.

PEROSH approved and started a so called PEROSH Research Exchange Fellowship program where exchange of researchers between the PEROSH member institutes is more easily facilitated. The first applications have been submitted and in our next Newsletter we hope to share some experiences from individual researchers.

As PEROSH chair I also attended this spring the so-called Sheffield meeting in Japan where OSH research institutes from all over the world meet and exchange their best practices. The new image video of PEROSH was presented. It became obvious that PEROSH, as the European network of OSH research institutes, was envied for its ever-closer collaboration and success in advocacy of safe and healthy working conditions in Europe.

Finally, I am absolutely looking forward to our Research Exchange meeting we have this year in Sankt Augustin, Germany. This is a members-only event PEROSH organises every two years in which researchers of our member institutes share their latest results on innovative practices in OSH research.

I hope you enjoy the read.

Dietmar Reinert

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PEROSH comprises 15 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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