News from the Network


Dear all,

It has been a while since our last Newsletter was published and I am happy to present this new issue to you. During the last year some changes took place. Daniela Treutlein left PEROSH for personal reasons. She did a really good job and we now get the fruits of her engagement for our participation in EU-calls (see InGRID 2 and Sustainable Work 2020). Thank you, Daniela, for your support to PEROSH. On 1st September 2016, we welcomed the new PEROSH Manager for International Affairs, Jan Michiel Meeuwsen. Jan Michiel Meeuwsen will work closely together with my colleague Anika Decker from IFA and both can be approached on all running issues regarding PEROSH. You might have seen the introduction of this new team on our website.

I look back on a well organised and well-attended Research Exchange meeting on ‘Translational Research in Occupational Safety and Health’ we had last year October in Warsaw, Poland. It was excellently hosted by CIOP-PIB, our Polish member, and please have a look at some videos and impressions of this event on our website, in case you might have missed it. Now we are making plans for another PEROSH Research Exchange meeting this time in Germany, hosted by my institute. Tentative planning of this event is September 2017 and the overarching theme will be on Innovation of Work. More details and announcements will follow suit.

In January this year PEROSH and The European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP), together with EU-OSHA and Euroforum, organised a breakfast discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels about ‘Safe and Healthy Workplaces: a precondition for well-being, growth and competitiveness in Europe’. A useful discussion which will help PEROSH to bring forward its strategic priorities, namely: to maintain a proactive dialogue with the EU and other international and national OSH-partners to explore paths to optimize the added value to Europe of the research, dissemination and funding efforts in our field of research.

fig_001The PEROSH community gathered this year in Copenhagen (June) and just recently in Rome (October) to have their meetings of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Steering Group.

In Rome we had some very inspiring discussions on the further strengthening of our network and its ambitions. Furthermore, we agreed on support from PEROSH to stimulate the exchange of researchers amongst our member institutes. PEROSH members collaborate in joint research projects and especially in the light of these, valuable short exchange visits can be organised. We also said goodbye to Andrew Curran as our chair for the Scientific Steering Group. I would like to express my gratitude to him on behalf of the PEROSH community. And we welcomed Mary Trainor as the new chair.


INAIL, the Italian institute, was our cordial host in Rome last month and organised an interesting workshop on the Futures project. In this joined research project PEROSH researchers focused on foresight and priority setting for OSH research. The project finished in June this year and in Rome the results were discussed and shared. Please have a look at the item on this from INAIL in our current Newsletter.

The PEROSH community was enlarged this year with a new member from Switzerland and we have a growing interest from others in Europe to become a member. It demonstrates that PEROSH has a difference to make. Many stakeholders in Europe consider PEROSH as an important community and a strategic partner in setting priorities in improving the working conditions of European citizens. To be quite frank, that was one of the main reasons why PEROSH came to life!

Dietmar Reinert

PEROSH chairman

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PEROSH comprises 15 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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