Recently BAuA has finished the project „Mental Health in the Working World“. The goal of the research project was to upgrade the level of knowledge in the field of mental working conditions factors at work, to evaluate the transferability of existing findings to changing working conditions as well as to identify gaps of knowledge in mental load factors, combined loads and their impacts on human beings. The final report of the project provides a comprehensive, scientifically grounded overview in mental load factors at work. In a conclusion the correlation of more than 20 working condition factors with mental disorders, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases, health and pain and performance could be analysed and described. Consistent correlations between working condition factors and mental health allowed a classification of work requirements in stressors and resources. In addition, key factors for mental health could be identified, e.g. time sovereignty; predictability / options to plan one´s working time and detachment (resources) and work intensity, emotional demands and disturbances/ lack of control (stressors).
In May 2017 the report was presented at the congress “Mental Health in the working world” where the Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) and the social partners discussed results and drew conclusions for further progress in the activities to promote mental health in the workplace. As a result the congress was agreed to be the kick-off event for a new “dialogue-process – mental health in the workplace”.