SEIRICH Assessment of chemical risks


INRS and professional organisations in France have developed the computer application SEIRICH (système d’évaluation et d’information sur les risques chimiques en milieu professionnel) Intended for the different OSH practitioners, SEIRICH aims to assist them in chemical risk assessment. In particular, it makes it possible to rank emissive products and processes according to risk level, to obtain technical and regulatory information as well as to implement prevention solutions. It comprises three elements: a web portal, a downloadable software application available free of charge and an administration tool. The initial configuration of the tool allows for the development of multilingual applications.

By proposing a harmonised methodology to meet regulatory requirements, SEIRICH is aimed at becoming the national reference in the field of chemical risk assessment. The application includes the classification and labelling arrangements for substances and mixtures according to the European Commission’s CLP Regulation.

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