Work accidents and the Infor.MO System: analysis of causes and preventive measures


InFOR mOA national conference devoted to the analysis of the work accidents phenomenon was held in Rome last November, with specific reference to the deepening of the causes of fatalities and to the prevention measures to be implemented in the workplace.

The event took the opportunity of the publication of the latest data from the surveillance system of fatal and serious accidents (Infor.MO System). Infor.MO, managed in collaboration between Regions and INAIL, contains data from surveys conducted by the Local Health Units – Occupational Prevention Services and allows the monitoring of risk factors in order to collect useful indications for prevention.

The Conference was divided into two sessions. The first dealt with the analysis of work accidents causes and the description of institutional activities carried out for prevention (innovative information tools, assistance and support to companies). It included the presentation of data from the Infor.MO System and the INAIL–Regions “Flows” archives updated to 2012, with specific reference to the planning of Regional interventions on the Italian territory. Moreover, the themes of promotion and incentives to companies were dealt with, as well as strategies aimed at the improvement of risk assessment in accordance with laws and regulations.

The second session was the occasion of sharing with speakers from different European countries, with the inclusion of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, some experiences in specific areas of intervention (organization of communication campaigns, training courses for migrants, implementation of guidelines and information tools).


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