Research question: Do occupational risks lead to the carpal tunnel syndrome?

According to the methodology of the PEROSH Clearinghouse of Systematic Reviews

No. Reference
Study Grading (SIGN*)
PubMed link
1. Palmer KT, Harris EC, Coggon D. Carpal tunnel syndrome and its relation to occupation: a systematic literature review. Occup.Med. 2007 Jan; 57(1):57-66.  ++ PM: 17082517
2. Barcenilla A, March LM, Chen JS, Sambrook PN. Carpal tunnel syndrome and its relationship to occupation: a meta-analysis. Rheumatology. 2011 May 17; 1-12.  ++ PM: 21586523
3. Thomsen JF, Gerr F, Atroshi I. Carpal tunnel syndrome and the use of computer mouse and keyboard: a systematic review. BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 2008 Oct; 9:134.  ++ PM: 18838001
4. Van Rijn RM, Huisstede BM, Koes BW, Burdorf A. Associations between work-related factors and the carpal tunnel syndrome-a systematic review. Scand.J.Work Environ.Health. 2009 Jan; 35(1):19-36.  ++ PM: 19277433

* Study grading (according to the adopted SIGN Checklist for PEROSH Clearinghouse of Systematic Reviews):
++ All or most of the criteria have been fulfilled. Where they have not been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought very unlikely to alter.
+ Some of the criteria have been fulfilled. Those criteria that have not been fulfilled or not adequately described are thought unlikely to alter the conclusions.
– Few or no criteria fulfilled. The conclusions of the study are thought likely or very likely to alter.
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