Submission forms

The form below can be used to submit a news item to the PEROSH website. The draft of the news item will be reviewed by PEROSH before publication. If changes are needed, PEROSH will contact you.

Instructions for contributions

The e-newsletter contribution or web post should include articles of no more than 250 words in order to make it more attractive and easier to read. You may also send a longer version of the article, but keep in mind not to lose the attention of the reader. In your text preferably use hyperlinks to refer to longer texts on your institute’s website or other sources.
The aim is to inform and to promote a distinctive voice from PEROSH to its members and other stakeholders. We should highlight the added value of our research and activities. We have approximately 2000 subscribers from across the globe and after publication of our e-Newsletter, we see more traffic coming to our website.

  • The articles should therefore be featured news from the institutes that are of interest
  • Research information: new research projects, information on ongoing projects, results, products and applications that are a result of research, events at the institutes, etc.
  • New campaigns
  • Diary of upcoming research events
  • Calls for collaboration, projects
  • Please choose a short headline with a “journalistic” angle that in short tells the conclusion of the article. Avoid complicated specialist language.
  • Mention the name of your institute as initiator or partaker.
  • Style should be direct, professional and unbiased building on scientific content.
  • Language must be easy to understand for non-expert readers.
  • Please always put in a ‘Contact person’ for each article and a link for more information. 
  • In case you are linking to a webpage, please make sure that the link is short and paste it preferably under a title or important buzz word. 

Thank you for providing a photograph/illustration with the text. Always mention the copyright holder and source.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
See the template below.


Based on the instructions provided here is a form tailored for submitting a newspost for the e-Newsletter/webpost: “*” Indicates the required fields.

Step 1 of 3

Choose a journalistic headline that summarizes the article's conclusion.
Write the author's name as followed: 'J. M. Meeuwsen'. In case of multiple authors, put a comma between the names.
Select the institution of the contact person
Contact Person(Required)
Date when the article is to be published.
MM slash DD slash YYYY


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