Thematic news letters are created by combining several news posts written by our PEROSH members, containing information on one specific topic. These news letters are sent to those who have subscribed for the PEROSH news letters.

2022_02 – The risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) at work and the prevention thereof

2022_01 – A few articles on the 4th PEROSH Research Conference, held in Madrid 2021.

2021_04 – One of the most valuable assets of PEROSH is the joint collaboration of our members’ researchers across Europe, in so called joint research projects. Topics are related to OSH research.

2021_03 – Post on the pandemic and post-pandemic world of work.

2021_02 – Research activities and results related to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

2021_01 – ?


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Interested in our Thematic Newsletters? Thematic newsletters are created by combining several news posts written by our PEROSH members, containing information on one specific topic. These newsletters are sent to those who have subscribed for the PEROSH newsletters.