Translational Research in OSH’ was the topic of our 1st internal research exchange event in Warsaw at CIOP-PIB’s premises. Experienced and young researchers within the PEROSH network had the chance to meet, discuss and exchange their know how in OSH research and applications in three parallel sessions: 1. Ageing at work, 2. E-Tools for working environments, 3. Prevention through design. Keynotes by Max Lum (NIOSH), Ludwig Berger (Brass Monier Group) and Robert Bezemer (TNO) will inspire the plenum about the use of social media for research translation in OSH and about the do’s and dont’s when implementing a safety culture concept such as ‘Vision Zero’ in companies.
- Ageing at work
- E-Tools for working enviromnments
- Prevention through design Keynotes
Established and young researchers met at CIOP-PIB in Warsaw to discuss and exchange on ‘Translational Research in Occupational Safety and Health’. Max Lum from NIOSH, Ludwig Berger from Brass Monier Group and Robert Bezemer from TNO gave key note presentations on 22nd October 2015.
In addition, there were three parallel sessions on:
- Ageing at work – examples of translational OSH Research in context of demographic change.
- Prevention through design approaches and applications in light of industry 4.0 (incl. AMI, VR-simulations, Smart Factory).
- E-Tools for working environments as means of translating research into usable e-solutions.
The programme further included a visit to the brand new CIOP-PIB laboratories and a PEROSH networking dinner on the 21st. All together, 70 participants from across PEROSH members and a small number of special, external guests attended this first PEROSH research exchange event.
Below you find a number of videos to watch for further impressions. Also, all key note speeches have been video taped and are available to watch and download below. Presentations of the three parallel sessions are downloadable via the programme.
‘Best of’: 10-minutes summary video on the whole event
Professor Dietmar Reinert, PEROSH chairman
Professor Paulien Bongers, PEROSH vice-chairwoman
Professor Andrew Curran, PEROSH scientific steering group chairman
Plenary Session I
Introduction and key note speech Max Lum (NIOSH) Translational Research in OSH: Finding the Signal in the Noise.
Plenary Session II
Introduction and key note speech Ludwig Berger (Monier Group) and Robert Bezemer (TNO)
Zero Accident Forum: Implementation at Monier Group and PEROSH Evaluation Results
Plenary Discussion
Plenary discussion moderated by Max Lum (NIOSH) on “Lessons Learned in Using Social Media When Translating Research in OSH for a Wider Public Audience” – follow the discussion via #transOSH on twitter!
Wed 21 Oct, Day 1
9:00 – 16:00 Meeting PEROSH SSG at CIOP-PIB
16:30 Registration & Arrival of PEROSH research exchange participants
17:00 Welcome to PEROSH @ CIOP-PIB incl. agenda and joint aperitif
17:30 – 19:00 Joint visit of new CIOP-PIB laboratories incl. a get-to-know each other activity
19:30 – 21:30 Joint dinner in city centre incl. welcome note of PEROSH chairman
Thu 22 Oct, Day 2
9:00 – 10:00 Plenary session I
Introduction and key note speech Max Lum (NIOSH) Translational Research in OSH: Finding the Signal in the Noise.
10:00 – 12:00 Parallel Sessions
I. Ageing at work
Chair: Nils Fallentin, NRCWE
1. MD Sole, INSHT: Research through practice: good practice in prolonging working life
2. M Widerszal-Bazyl, CIOP-PIB: Psychological and organizational aspects of age management in the workplace – selected CIOP-PIB studies
3. M Wallin, FIOH: Work engagement for seniors – Randomized controlled field trial
II. E-tools for working environments
Chair: Jan Michiel Meeuwsen, TNO
1. N Wiezer, TNO: Behaviour Change Techniques in mHealth applications for mental and physical health of knowledge workers ( download )
2. C Barber, HSE: Promoting evidence-based management of occupational asthma amongst health care professionals ( download )
3. H Friesenbichler, AUVA: ABS – A tool for evaluation of mental workload in SMEs ( download)
4. M Arnone, IFA: GESTIS- Stoffmanager/ Stoffenmanager® – Continous development of an international web based control banding tool for risk assessments ( download )
III. Prevention through design
Chair: Peter Paszkiewicz, IFA
1. V Grosjean, INRS: Machine and human autonomy in an integrated workplace: some issues as to their mutual influence ( download )
2. W Harris, HSL: Towards Industry 4.0: Health and safety considerations of an exponential technology – Additive manufacturing
3. A Richter, BAUA: BAUA’s point of view on Industry 4.0 and overview of PEROSH cooperation ( download )
4. A Dąbrowska, CIOP-PIB: A need for a new conceptual framework for occupational risk management in Smart Working Environments ( download )
13:00 – 14:00 Plenary session II
Introduction and key note speech Ludwig Berger (Monier Group) and Robert Bezemer (TNO)
Zero Accident Forum: Implementation at Monier Group and PEROSH Evaluation Results
14:30 – 15:30 Parallel Sessions
I. Ageing at work
Chair: Nils Fallentin, NRCWE
1. OM Poulsen, NRCWE: Use of Danish cohorts and registers in studies of work retention of ageing workers
2. KB Veiersted, STAMI: Is the relation between physical work exposure and self-reported work ability dependent on age? ( download )
II. E-tools for working environments
Chair: Jan Michiel Meeuwsen, TNO
1. T Alanko, FIOH: Developing e- solutions in cooperation with workplaces
2. C Schumacher, IFA: Nanorama Laboratory – a 360° virtual environment of a laboratory ( download )
III. Prevention through design
Chair: Peter Paszkiewicz, IFA
1. E de Korte, TNO: Evaluating an mHealth application for workers’ health and wellbeing: differences between three qualitative methods ( download )
2. A Grabowski, CIOP PIB: Challenges for the development of innovative techniques based on advanced virtual reality technologies ( download )
15:30 – 16:30 – Plenary discussion
Plenary discussion moderated by Max Lum (NIOSH) on “Lessons Learned in Using Social Media When Translating Research in OSH for a Wider Public Audience” – use #transOSH to twitter about this event and discuss via Social Media!
16:30 – Summary and closing
by PEROSH chairman and CIOP-PIB director
FIOH Finnish Institute for Occupational Health
AUVA Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risks
IFA Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance
CIOP-PIB Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research institute
INRS National Institute of Research in Occupational Safety and Health in France
BAuA Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
INAIL Italian Workers Compensation Authority
NRCWE National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark
TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
STAMI National Institute of Occupational Health in Norway
INSHT National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work
HSL Health and Safety Laboratory
This PEROSH Seminar was organized by CIOP-PIB (Poland) with special guests from EU-OSHA (Spain), IOSH (UK) and NIOSH (USA).