In accordance with the Institute’s statute of 16 February 2005, the mission of the Central Institute for Labour protection is:
- carrying out scientific research aimed at new technological and organisational solutions, which are useful in the design of working conditions that conform to occupational safety and ergonomics requirements,
- determining scientific foundations for the development of socio-economic policies of the Republic of Poland in the field of occupational safety and health.
The Institute was established in 1950 by the act of the Polish Parliament of 4 April 1950. Being the leading Polish institution in the field of occupational safety & health (OSH), in 2002 it was granted the status of a national research Institute by the Council of Ministers.
Aims and activities
The aim of the Institute is carrying out interdisciplinary research, including studies of broadly understood human protection in the working environment. It includes the following scientific disciplines: medical sciences (preclinical), social sciences, technical sciences (engineering and environmental protection). Research and development activities are related to the following fields:
- identification and prevention of chemical and aerosol hazards,
- noise, vibration and EMFs,
- safety engineering,
- ergonomics and work physiology,
- stress at work,
- optimisation of work processes,
- static electricity and ionization,
- optical radiation and lighting of work places,
- prevention of major industrial accident hazards,
- personal protective equipment,
- OSH management systems,
- education and dissemination of information in the area of OSH and ergonomics.
The multidisciplinary approach of the Institute, integrating different branches of science, offers the unique opportunity to create a critical concentration of Polish research focused on the improvement of safety and health in the working environment.
The Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) is a legally, organisationally, economically and financially independent state body. It is supervised by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.