The training is intended for all persons involved in REACH compliance.
Swiss companies exporting to the EEA must evaluate the risk of their chemicals on the environment and human health, according to REACH legislation.
REACH obliges European manufacturers and importers to establish exposure scenarios for substances that are manufactured or imported into the European Economic Area (EEA) in quantities of 10 tones/year or more.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recommends several models for assessing exposure to chemicals in the workplace. However, these models vary in complexity and accuracy. In many exposure situations, it is difficult to choose which model to use. Which model is the most adequate for a substance and given conditions? Different models lead to different results, which later may result in different, potentially dangerous, risk conclusions and health consequences.
With the financial support of the State secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Swiss Center for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT), the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health of Unisanté has developed the TREXMO tool to facilitate the REACH implementation process in Switzerland.
Objectives of the training
In this context, the Occupational Health and Environment Department of Unisanté, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and the occupational hygiene company TOXPro, have set up a two-day-training to support companies in their efforts to comply with REACH directives regarding the chemical risk assessment.
Through role-playing and exercises encouraging the use of different tools, this training intends to:
• Explain the REACH regulatory framework
• Become familiar with the modelling tools
• Provide an approach on how to select an appropriate tool for a given set of exposure conditions
• Better interpret results generated by exposure assessment models
More information can be found here: Formation REACH_programme brochure.