As of 1ste January 2019 PEROSH has a new chair and vice chair. Paulien Bongers from TNO will be the new chair of PEROSH for 2019. Paulien has a long trackrecord in research on OSH and is currently the scientific director at TNO Healthy Living in The Netherlands. Georg Effenberger will be the new vice chair of PEROSH and heads the prevention department at AUVA (Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risks). The new chairmanship wil further strengthen the collaboration between PEROSH members and the impact of its members’ research outcomes in Europe.
Next to the chairmanship, also the PEROSH secretariat has been moved tot TNO in The Netherlands. Marian Nieuwenhout will be the new support staff for the PEROSH Executive Board. Jan Michiel Meeuwsen will remain the PEROSH Manager International Affairs.