CIOP-PIB at INRS: tackling the occupational hazard of UV radiation

Mariusz Wiselka (CIOP-PIB)

My secondment took place at the beginning of July 2018 at the French National Research and Safety Institute for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases laboratories (INRS) located in Nancy under the supervision of Annick Barlier-Salsi of the Work Equipment Engineering Department.

The main topics of the exchange were:

  • measurements of UV-radiation reflected from different types of materials using two different types of spectroradiometers: the CCD array – and double monochromator – based,
  • uncertainty analysis that can be used in order to assess the occupational risk of workers exposed to artificial UV-radiation (welding processes and other artificial UV sources),
  • discussion on the development of a computer tool for calculating the level of potential workers exposure to indirect ultraviolet radiation in electric welding processes.

The evaluation and development of an appropriate method of calculating the reflection of UV-radiation constitutes an important factor in assessing the occupational risk for workers performing tasks in close proximity to welding stations.

Together with the INRS, research team we built a measurement station as well as conducted over 100 independent measurements with 3 different spectroradiometers (two CCD array – and one double monochromator – based). The results showed the influence of stray light on CCD array detectors, especially in the range below 280 nm (UVC range). That confirmed that for UV radiation (below 280nm) double monochromator – based devices are more accurate compared to CCD array detectors. One of the methods of reducing the influence on results is a novel algorithm on optical stray light reduction developed by INRS, which was presented during the exchange. The uncertainty analysis of the obtained results was also discussed and showed the complexity and importance of occupational risk assessment. The discussion, advices and ideas concerning designing the algorithm for calculation of UV hazard in proximity of welding stations played a major role in my understanding of the concept and will be essential in my future work.

The PEROSH Researcher Exchange Programme has been an excellent opportunity to test my current knowledge and gain more experience in the field of measurement of radiation from artificial light sources. The collaboration has also been a unique occasion to exchange thoughts and ideas on the topic and has led to interesting conclusions, introducing prospects for a successful cooperation in future PEROSH joint research projects.

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