Development of a Nano Exposure and Contextual Information Database (NECID)


image001For future research in studying exposure to manufactured nanoparticles, agglomerates and aggregates (NOAA), an occupational exposure database is needed. Developing such a database on an international level will enable and facilitate the future sharing of exposure data on NOAA. For this purpose, a PEROSH group led by IFA and TNO is currently developing the NECID software. It will support the user to fulfill the requirements on information gathering for occupational exposure assessment and will provide a general overview of results of exposure measurements against nanomaterial in different exposure situations. The exposure data of different research institutes in different countries will be collected and stored in a harmonized way.

The intended user group comprises research institutes and might be extended to third parties. In the project different user-specific rights and legal agreements for the handling and storage of data and the required IT security are addressed – as they play a critical role for a multinational database and the possibility of data sharing. NECID will provide a sustainable source of information for risk management, the development of occupational exposure benchmark levels/limits.

This PEROSH group presented the progress of its work during a seminar on Inhaled Particles XI in September 2013 in UK and during the 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH) in October 29th 2013 in Nagoya (Japan).

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