In the course of the «Think of me. Love, your back» prevention campaign, a number of illustrative exhibits were developed for use at events (such as health days and trade fairs) which were intended to raise awareness for the topic of «work-related back load». The exhibits were available on loan during the campaign for use by the German social accident insurance institutions. For this purpose, a back monitor was developed based upon the CUELA measurement system.
The CUELA back monitor consists of a lightweight jacket with three-dimensional inertia sensors at the arms, thoracic and lumbar spine. At events, volunteers have the opportunity to put on the sensor jacket and simulate everyday situations such as the unloading of items from a car boot. A computer, connected to the jacket, interprets the sensor data and allows for a real-time visualization of the movement. With an integrated biomechanical model the corresponding compressive forces on the intervertebral disc L5/S1 are calculated. A color scheme helps to identify movements and postures with a high load on the back. Due to the strong demand, reflected by almost 50 loans and over 80 trained users in the first year of the campaign, IFA decided to produce further CUELA back monitor sets and to add them to the pool of event modules.
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