IETOX 2021 is the Third International Industrial and Environmental Toxicology Congress focusing on a wide array of different occupational health themes. This year will see a hybrid congress with face to face and on line meetings.
The PEROSH session has the title ‘Complex exposures’ with the following presentations from PEROSH researchers.
Session overview:
- Applying the Exposome Concept to Working-life Health: The EU EPHOR project – Anjoeka Pronk (TNO, The Netherlands)
- Respiratory Disease Occupational Biomonitoring Collaborative Project (ROBoCoP): protocol and first results. – Irina Guseva Canu (Unisanté, Switzerland)
- Targetless Screening as an innovative Tool for Human Biological Monitoring of Multiple Exposure to Chemicals in Occupational Health – Baninia Habchi (INRS, France)
- Review of Biological Risks associated with the Collection of Municipal Waste – Anne Mette Madsen (NFA, Denmark)
All presentations have in common that they reflect on methodologies and results to measure complex exposures in workplaces or worklife. The chair of the session will be Jan Michiel Meeuwsen, manager international affairs PEROSH.
The session takes place on November 5th 2021 between 11:20 and 12:30 (GMT +3). Please take note of the time difference.
One can attend the session and the rest of the congress after registration. Registration fees are moderate and can be found here.