PEROSH strengthened with new team for coordination and support


picturesAs of 1st September 2016 PEROSH has appointed a new European Affairs Coordinator, Jan Michiel Meeuwsen, who will work closely together with Anika Decker from IFA.

Jan Michiel will be familiar to some of our members because he brings along a vast experience in working internationally in the OSH field when he was still active for TNO in the Netherlands. In April this year he started his own business and will now act as the new PEROSH European Affairs Coordinator. Jan Michiel has a lot of experience in tender procedures from the EU Commission and Agencies and he is fully familiar with the HORIZON 2020 program. In 2015 he wrote a winning HORIZON2020 proposal on occupational diseases in the so called Widening Participation program; this project is currently running between Turkey, the Netherlands (TNO) and Belgium.

During his career at TNO Jan Michiel has worked in OSH projects in many European countries (new member states), Russia, China, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Jan Michiel is also active nowadays  in the development and implementation of a Year of Science and Innovation between Turkey and the Netherlands which will hopefully start in 2017 and will bring together Turkish and Dutch enterprises and knowledge institutes. Furthermore, he is the chair of the Board of Commissioners of MOB, an elderly care providing institute in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Anika is, as of now, running the secretariat of PEROSH for the next two years. Working in the division for Scientific co-operation at IFA, her tasks are the organisation of visits, seminars and events. Trained as a foreign language correspondent, she is responsible for the organisation of international conferences hosted by IFA and was a member of the organisation team of the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014. Time and again, she assists in international meetings; for the last years she ran the technical secretariat of a European notified body work group.

Jan Michiel and Anika are eager to assist the PEROSH community with all activities that are planned and other issues that might come up. Never hesitate to contact them.

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PEROSH comprises 14 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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