TNO is involved in the implementation of the Roadmap on Carcinogens. On behalf of the 6 organisations that initiated the roadmap (Business Europe and ETUC, the European Commission and EU-OSHA and the Dutch and Austrian governments (as former and future presidencies of the Council) we would like to inform you about the new website which has been launched recently. The website acts as an important ‘hub’ for all activities related to the Roadmap on Carcinogens and aims to help companies in finding good practices. It facilitates the exchange of information about good practices and also promotes activities that will raise awareness on the importance of reducing exposure to cancer causing agents.
Earlier this year in Amsterdam, the initiators of the roadmap have committed themselves by signing a Covenant to promote awareness raising as well as the exchange of good practices that prevent or reduce occupational exposure to carcinogenic substances. The Roadmap is a voluntary action scheme that provides for the exchange of good practices, at enhancing knowledge among businesses about exposure to carcinogens, and how this can be reduced effectively. The Roadmap is open to all other member states, organisations, businesses, employers and workers, social partners, research organisations, OSH professionals, and other stakeholders.
The six partners call upon everyone, organisations and companies to join. Send in your good practices or events, so that as many workplaces as possible will benefit from our common knowledge, with the ultimate goal to reduce exposure to carcinogens and improve workers’ health.
Join in, get active and follow the Roadmap!
Contact: Jos de Lange (
More information:
Twitter: #roadmaponcarcinogens
Youtube :