The European EMF Forum is a cooperation of national occupational safety and health institutions aiming to enhance the implementation of the EMF directive 2013/35/EU (electromagnetic fields) in the European member states. From PEROSH EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields) experts from IFA and CIOP-PIB are active.
After rescheduling the 1st conference from 2020 to 2021, we now kindly invite you to save the date for the second attempt of the 1st European EMF Forum Conference to be held from Monday 15th to Tuesday 16th November 2021 at BAuA in Dortmund, Germany. An pre-conference gathering will be organized for early arrivals on Sunday evening (14.11.2021).
What is this conference about?
The aim is for governmental experts from ministries, labour inspectorates and research institutes to exchange information on the practical application of the Directive in member states and discuss challenges in in-depth workshops or in front of your poster.
Who should be addressed with this conference invitation?
EMF-Experts with engineering and medical background from ministries of labour and social affairs, governmental institutions like labour inspectorates or radiation protection authorities, and research institutes will be the participants of the conference.
How will your every day’s work benefit from the conference attendance?
The conference is a combination of plenary lectures (including contributions by the European Commission, EMF-industry, and EMF-research), in-depth workshops, and posters where there will be opportunities to exchange good practice and discuss problems in topics such as:
- implementation in member states,
- workers at particular risk,
- health surveillance and medical examination,
- exposure Assessment,
- employers’ and workers’ perspectives,
- emerging sources,
- needs for standardization, and
- implementation oriented advancement of 2013/35/EU and impact of advances within EMF standards and guidelines.
The conference provides you with a forum to discuss your experiences and challenges with 2013/35/EU in your home country, to share best practice implementation, and to learn about those of other member states.
What about registration and costs?
Attending the conference will cost €185,00; catering included. For accompanying persons attending ONLY the conference diner €50,00 will be applicable. Registration will open in May. A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request.
In case of any further questions or required additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us via
With kind regards from Dortmund,
on behalf of the organizing committee
Peter Jeschke