
Espanet2021 Online Conference


August 31, 2021

till September 3, 2021




Social Policy and Social Work Team of the KU Leuven Centre for Sociological Research (Belgium)


ESPAnet’s 18th Annual and first ONLINE Conference is hosted by the Social Policy and Social Work Team of the KU Leuven Centre for Sociological Research (Belgium). For the first time in its existence, the ESPAnet Annual Conference will be held online. This is to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and to respond to the various, perhaps longer-lasting, health, logistical and financial risks and challenges it poses for colleagues from all over Europe.

A place to present and discuss your ideas on questions like below, to exchange research findings, and to get inspired.

Are our European welfare states up for the future? Given worldwide changes in economic structures and balances, the acceleration of technological developments, substantial environmental risks and globally disruptive events as, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic, will they be able to uphold, and where necessary even extend, the range of social objectives they are known for in the world? Will their social policies succeed in effectively promoting sufficiently high living standards of their citizenry?


Two researchers from BAuA, our German PEROSH member, will host a special session on frontline service work in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nadja Dörflinger and Anita Tisch invite PEROSH members to submit an abstract for this session. More information on the call by Nadja and Anita can be found in the news post on this website.

Deadline Abstract Submissions (400 words): 18 April 2021.
Information on the Espanet call for papers can be found here.

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