
New Media, new Technologies and OSH knowledge dissemination – Paris


September 18, 2013

till September 18, 2013


Paris - France


Both within media, society and the scientific community, we are facing new trends and new behaviours. Mobile devices such as 888 casino mobile, tablets, specific media venues and different platforms are moulding our activities into relatively unknown terrain. Are we facing a changing role for scientists, communication professionals and OSH Researchers? What are the key ingredients to successful strategies and how do we know if they really make a difference?


9:00 Welcoming words

Didier Baptiste
President of the Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (Perosh) and Scientific, Director at INRS France.

Video with slides

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9:15 Introduction – New media for new times
Who is the new media user? What’s really happening, and why?

Stéphane Vaxelaire
INRS France – Head of the Communication Unit

We are facing new trends and new behaviours. Mobile devices, tablets, specific media venues and different platforms are moulding our activities into relatively unknown terrain. Are we facing a changing role for communication professionals and journalists? What are the key ingredients to successful strategies, getting or buidling information? Who is the new media user? What’s happening and why? Case studies (OSH, campaigning, crisis communication…) highlight how different approaches to media are best linked and what are the current top strategies.

Video with slides
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Old science and new media? Communication and interactive tools. The handling of media and the promotion of OSH Research.

Sture Bye
Communications Director at National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI), Norway

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9:45 New technologies, new strategies

François Bancilhon (CEO, Data Publica)
Data is clearly one of the megatrends of the 2010’s. Open Data, Big Data and Dataviz are changing the world where we live and do business and disrupting many established sectors of activity. What are these new concepts and what disruptive impact will they have on research, science and the dissemination of knowledge? In this presentation, I will explain open data and its recent development and the impact it can have on dissemination of occupational safety and health data.

Video available only

10:05 Using the popular press to broadcast the scientific message: swimming with sharks.

John Hobson (Director of Hobson Health)
Editor, Occupational Medicine; Honorary Lecturer at University of Birmingham and University of Manchester

This presentation examines the benefits and potential pitfalls of using the media to promote occupational health research. It demonstrates how press releases can be highly effective at getting scientific research into the public domain and how surprisingly it also leads to that research being more widely cited by the scientific community. Media interest can increase the profile of a lesser known speciality such as occupational health and can help promote the main messages of good occupational health. However, there are also significant dangers to using the media to act as a mouthpiece. Once the bait has been taken you may find yourself swimming with sharks and in a situation you can no longer control. The MMR scandal and the notorious case of Andrew Wakefield are used as a case in point. That said the presentation examines how to use the media effectively for the benefit of your speciality and the health of the general community.

Video with slides
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10:45 Data journalism, datavision, infographic : what does it mean?
How can it strengthen communication strategies in the social network era?

Jean de Saint Blanquat (Idé France)
Editor at Idé France French leader in infographics and animations for the press, the web and tv

Most data producers (institutions, researchers, international or national organizations, corporations) still visually present their results and studies in a very traditional way and – let’s say – not quite easy to catch. In the same time, infographics (“data vision”, visual information or whatever we call this very old way to make understand things by visual means) is now in most media one of the favourite means to attract readers and explain complex problems to them. My presentation will simply try to explain how simple it is to make good (and bad) infographics. And make understand that first need is not a trendy graphic designer (though it may help) but a clear thinking of what we want to show.

Video with slides
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11:15 Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr…: Why is CNES, the French Space Agency, using social media?
What are the objectives and stakes? How can social media be used in a corporate communication strategy?

Séverine Klein (CNES, France)
Head of General Public Communication at CNES, the French Space Agency

Video with slides
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13:15 Rapid fire session

This session will highlight within a ten-minute time period some short summaries of key communication initiatives that feature one or more of the following: creativity, best practices, lessons learned, strong relevance, and impact.

Moderator: Max Lum (NIOSH USA)
Gaelle Féchant-Garnier (INRS France)

These last years, information, communication and training converge to deliver an educational message. In this context, training has a central place. Three years ago, INRS developed an e-training program, specially dedicate to a large adult public, in order to massively broadcast an educational message on safety and health at work and the basics principles to prevent workplace illness and injuries. This program is also a requirement for several training courses. Today, INRS gets ready to open this online training course to thousands of students.


Video with slides
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Maya Hulgren Sakis (Swedish Work Environment Authority, Sweden)

Ljus (Light)
Light is an app developed for the Swedish market and it assesses the light in different workplaces. The app Light measures the light and estimates the lux value. It also provides an assessment if the light level is within the recommended values. The app also measures the contrasts between two surfaces and gives an indication if there is a risk for glare. All data can be saved and emailed. It also provides a direct link to the Swedish Work Environment Authority and our website where we have gathered information about light in the work place. The app Light is developed for Iphone and was released in January 2013 on Appstore. Due to the many different configurations by each manufacturer, we have not been able develop a sufficient version of the app for the Android platform. The app can be downloaded (in Swedish only) from this address: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ljus/id592453902?ls=1&mt=8

Noise Exposure (Buller)
The noise indicator app is developed for the EU market and it measures the noise surrounding you. The app has following features: A decibel meter that measures the sound level in real time, a noise calculator where you can work out how much noise you are exposed to during an 8-hour day, brief information about noise and noise levels. The measured results can also be published on Facebook.
The application is not equivalent of a professional noise calculator, but it gives approximate values. It works primarily on noise levels between about 40 and 100 dB(A). The app can be downloaded in English from this address: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.av.buller&feature=search_result#?t=W10 It can also be downloaded in (Swedish only) on Iphone: http://itunes.apple.com/se/app/buller/id418022274?mt=8


Video with slides
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Gavin Lonergan (HSA, Ireland)
Head of Communications & Customer Relations, Health and Safety Authority

BeSMART.ie is a free online risk assessment tool developed by the Health and Safety Authority in Ireland for the small business community. The tool helps small business owners/managers undertake their risk assessment and develop a safety statement. This presentation will give a brief overview of BeSMART.ie and outline some of the innovative digital channels used to promote awareness and use of this tool amongst small business owners/managers.

Video with slides
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14:05 Panel : How do they do it ?

A Nordic point of view.

Mia Latta (NIVA)

[toggles] [toggle title=”More” active=”no”] Is it possible to disseminate OHS knowledge through social media?
In my presentation, I will discuss the differences between dissemination of information and dissemination of knowledge. I will take up some of the challenges, risks and possibilities that social media can pose to (a) knowledge dissemination, (b) research, (c) to internal work organization within knowledge institutes, and in a more general level, (d) to the way ways we think, interact, communicate and see the world around us. I will use media examples from some Nordic research projects to illustrate my positions.
Sources :
Castells, Manuel (2000): The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell Publishers.
Sveiby, Karl Erik (1997): The New Organisational Wealth. Managing & Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets, Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, Inc.

Video with slides

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14:25 The Social Media Frontier – Boldly Going Where No Scientist Has Gone Before

Thaïs Morata (NIOSH, USA)

The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has been a pioneer in the use of social media platforms. While NIOSH has dedicated communications personnel who manage much of its social media presence, some NIOSH scientists personally direct their own online efforts. In this presentation, we will describe a recent crowdsourcing effort managed by NIOSH scientists which achieved public engagement, highlighting new and effective approaches that may be beneficial to the scientific community.

Video with slides

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14.45 New technologies and OSH: a European perspective.

How can new media and new technologies be harnessed to foster new ways of developing OSH at a European level?

Andrew Smith (EU-OSHA, Bilbao)

How can new media and new technologies be harnessed to foster new ways of developing OSH at a European level?
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) was set up in 1996 as the European Union body responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to serve the needs of those involved in safety and health at work.
EU-OSHA’s creation coincided with the first explosion of activity on the internet and the Agency immediately embraced the web as its main vehicle for communication and dissemination. During its first 15 years, the internet has served the Agency well. Thanks to it, EU-OSHA has been able to publish and disseminate a wide range of information that was relevant to many of those involved in safety and health at work. However, in recent years the arrival and consolidation of Web 2.0 has reset the limits of the possible for EU-OSHA. In its next multiannual strategic programme (2014 2020) the Agency is repositioning itself as first and foremost a facilitator in information development and exchange and it’s new technologies that are making it feasible. Drawing on innovation theory and illustrated by recent agency experience in the areas of online interactive risk assessment and wikibased knowledge development, this presentation will seek to explain how new technologies.

Video with slides

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15:05 How to use social media to disseminate research findings in OSH?

Jani Ruotsalainen, Cochrane Occupational Safety and Health Review Group

How to develop a social media strategy to facilitate decision makers’ and end users’ access to important new scientific evidence in the area of occupational health. As resources for research continue to decrease it is imperative that what we find out is heard, understood and put to use. Social media may offer an effective tool to improve this.

Video with slides

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16:00 How to evaluate? Does our research have any impact?

Social media metrics presentation Incorporating case study material will focus on key organizational process that are required to create and manage a successful social media measurement strategy.

Max Lum (NIOSH, USA)
Senior consultant, eCommunication and Research Translation, Office of the Director at the National institute for occupational safety and health (NIOSH).

Video with slides

Slides (pdf)


8:30 Welcoming coffee

9:00 Welcoming words

Didier Baptiste, President of Perosh

9:15 Introduction – New media for new times

Who is the new media user? What’s really happening, and why?

Stéphane Vaxelaire (INRS, France)

Old science and new media? Communication and interactive tools. The handling of media and the promotion of OSH Research.

Sture Bye (NIOH Norway/STAMI)

9:45 New technologies, new strategies

Data is clearly one of the megatrends of the 2010’s. Open Data, Big Data and Dataviz are changing the world where we live and do business. What are these new concepts and what disruptive impact will they have on research, science and the dissemination of knowledge?

François Bancilhon (Data Publica)

10:05 Using the popular press to broadcast the scientific message: swimming with sharks.

John Hobson (Editor, Occupational Medicine, Oxford University Press UK)

10:25 Coffee break

10:45 Data journalism, datavision, infographic : what does it mean?

How can it strengthen communication strategies in the social network era?

Jean de Saint Blanquat (Idé France)

11:15 Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr…: Why is CNES, the French Space Agency, using social media?

What are the objectives and stakes? How can social media be used in  a corporate communication strategy?

Séverine Klein (CNES, France)

11:35 Answer / question

12:00 Lunch break (served in Maison de l’Europe)

13:15 Rapid fire session

This session will highlight within a ten-minute time period some short summaries of key communication initiatives that feature one or more of the following: creativity, best practices, lessons learned, strong relevance, and impact.

Moderator : Max Lum (NIOSH USA)

Gaelle Féchant-Garnier (INRS France)

Maya Hulgren Sakis (Swedish Work Environment Authority, Sweden)

Gavin Lonergan (HSA, Ireland)

14:05 Panel : How do they do it ?

A Nordic point of view.

Mia Latta (NIVA)

14:25 The Social Media Frontier – Boldly Going Where No Scientist Has Gone Before

Thaïs Morata (NIOSH, USA)

14.45 New technologies and OSH:  a European perspective.

How can new media and new technologies be harnessed to foster new ways of developing OSH at a European level?

Andrew Smith (EU-OSHA, Bilbao)

15:05  How to use social media to disseminate research findings in OSH?

Jani Ruotsalainen, Cochrane Occupational Safety and Health Review Group

15:25 Answer / question

15:45 Coffee break

16:00 How to evaluate? Does our research have any impact?

Social media metrics presentation Incorporating case study material will focus on key organizational process that are required to create and manage a successful social media measurement strategy.

Max Lum (NIOSH, USA)

16:30 Answer / question

16:45 Final Round table: The Directors’ voice.

What steps can we take – facing the future?

Guy Ahonen (Director Knowledge Management of FIOH, Finland)

Dietmar Reinert (General Director of IFA, Germany)

Inger Schaumburg (General Director of NRCWE, Denmark)

Wilfrid Strauss (Deputy Director of INRS, France)

17:45 Refreshment (served in Maison de l’Europe)


EU OSHA is the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, located in Bilbao (SP)


FIOH is the Finnish Institute for Occupational Health


IFA is the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance


INRS is the National Institute of Research in Occupational Safety and Health in France


NIOSH is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in USA


NRCWE is the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark


STAMI is the National Institute of Occupational Health in Norway


A Perosh Seminar organized by INRS (France), supported by EU OSHA, NIOSH (USA) and NIOH/STAMI( Norway)


European agency for safety and health at work







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