
Proceedings PEROSH Seminar Research in Action


November 24, 2010

till November 26, 2010


Brussels - Belgium




IMG_9159On 25 November 2010, European researchers and policymakers came together to reflect on how to improve the transfer of evidence-based research with regard to the working environment and the practical implementation at the workplace.

The seminar was organised by PEROSH and part of ‘The Quality of Working Life’ Event, prepared by Prevent (Belgian Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) within the framework of the Belgian EU Presidency. It concerned a series of seminars, network events and a closing colloquium, organised from 24-26 November 2010 at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The theme of the seminar was inspired by an earlier seminar organized by the Danish working environment authority and PEROSH in September 2009 in Copenhagen. During this seminar the participating researchers concluded that more attention should go towards action and implementation of research to test the effectiveness of preventive solutions. More collaboration between researchers at the international level could improve the consideration of these topics.

The seminar was introduced by Marc De Greef, member of the Executive committee of PEROSH and chaired by Chairman Dr. Palle Ørbæk and Chairman-elect Dr. Didier Baptiste.

The seminar started with two keynote speakers setting the frame of the seminar by focusing on the drivers for applied research on the one hand and on the other hand elaborating on how the link between corporate competitiveness and occupational health and safety can be enhanced.
A number of strong case examples proved that the implementation of research driven results at the work floor is possible. To conclude, the PEROSH seminar sought the visions and expectations of the European social partners and government with regard to the transfer between research and practice and on how the interaction between research and policy could be improved.

Seminar Proceedings

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Introduction and welcome
Mr. Marc De Greef, Steering Committee PEROSH

I. Research in action: Importance, drivers and practical examples

Chair: Dr. Palle Ørbæk, chairman of PEROSH

Keynote 1: Science meets Practice – Drivers for applied OSH-research.
Dr. Dietmar Reinert, Scientific Chairman of PEROSH, Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (IFA – DGUV)
presentation / paper

Keynote 2: OSH and Corporate Competitiveness in a Global Context.
Dr. Guy Ahonen, Research professor, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH)
presentation / paper

II. PEROSH cases

Return-to-work intervention on a national scale in Denmark – Research and action.
Mr. Glen Winzor, Senior Consultant, National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NRCWE)

Improvement of both productivity and working conditions, with special focus on MSD.
Ms. Gu van Rhijn, Senior project leader, TNO Work and Employment
presentation / paper

Enhancing mental health of employees working long hours through flexible time arrangements.
Dr. Dorota Zolnierczyk-Zreda, Department of Ergonomics, Laboratory of Work
Psychology and Sociology, Central Institute for Labour Protection, (CIOP – PIB)
presentation / paper

Noise at work: ISIT, a tool from research to practical intervention.
Dr. Séverine Brunet, Head of the Work Equipment Engineering division, Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité (INRS)

II. Vision and expectations of the social partners and government from research
in action

Chair: Dr. Didier Baptiste, Vice-chairman of PEROSH

EU 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7) 2007-2013, European Public Health Research into Policy
Mr. Kevin Mc Carthy, Head of sector Public Health Research,  DG Research

Vision and expectations of Business Europe from research in action
Mr. Kris De Meester, Chair Health and Safety working group, Business Europe

Vision and expectations of ETUI from research in action
Dr. Stefano Boy, Senior Researcher, Health and Safety Department, European Trade Union Institute

Governmental vision and expectations on (OSH) research and development activities
Dr. Erkki Yrjanheikki, Governmental group, Advisory Committee on Safety and Health; Director Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Vision of PEROSH on Research in action
Dr. Didier Baptiste, Chairman-elect PEROSH

IV. Closing address
Mr. Marc De Greef, Steering Committee PEROSH

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