Available: The report of the seminar and the presentations
In order to gain input for the New Danish Working Environment Strategy for the period 2010 – 2020 and to gain insight in the future challenges and priorities for the Danish working environment, the Danish Working Environment decided to organise a consultation process. Part of this process was the organisation of an international expert seminar in collaboration with PEROSH.
The seminar brought together distinguished experts from the PEROSH member institutes as well as from European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Bilbao), the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Dublin) and l’Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST – Canada)
The experts were invited to present their scientific views in a short paper and presentation. The following questions were suggested for consideration by the experts.
• How is the working environment changing during the next decade with respect to each country?
• What challenges with respect to practical prevention do these changes pose?
• How is the development regarding prevention of musculoskeletal disorders?
• Are there any emerging risks with regard to chemical or biological hazards in the working environment (not including nano-materials)?
• What is the future role of workplace health promotion?
• What knowledge gaps – and needs for new research – are foreseen?
The seminar was chaired by Dr. Palle Ørbæk, Dr. Didier Baptiste and Dr. Dietmar Reinert, respectively the chairman, vice-chairman and scientific chairman of PEROSH. The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Glen Winzor, Head of Project Division at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NRCWE).
The seminar concluded with a panel discussion seeking to bring together the opinions of the experts on the main prevention challenges and research topics of the coming years.
The report and presentations can be downloaded below.
Download the seminar proceedings
Introduction and welcome
Dr. Palle Ørbæk, Chairman of PEROSH
Forecast on new and emerging risks related to occupational safety and health – View of the European Agency
Dr. Eusebio Rial González – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Bilbao)
How is the working environment changing during the next decade with respect to each country
Dr. Agnès Parent-Thirion – European Foundation for Working and Living Conditions (Dublin)
Future Challenges to the Working Environment – Comments of an Accident Insurer
Dr. Dietmar Reinert – BGIA (Germany)
Forecast on future occupational safety and health challenges in Europe and Italy
Dr. Sergio Iavicoli – ISPESL (Italy)
Foresight in Germany
Dr. Karl Kuhn, Dr. Frank Brenscheidt – BAuA (Germany)
Forecast on future challenges in the work environment in Québec (Canada)
Dr. Marie Larue – IRSST (Canada)
The Entry of Self Leadership into the Work Environment Equation
Dr. Pia Bramming – NRCWE (Denmark)
Occupational Safety and Health Research Needs
Dr. Frédéric Lerais – INRS (France)
Forecast on future working environment challenges in Finland
Dr. Mikko Härmä – FIOH (Finland)
Working Environment Challenges for the Future – The Norwegian perspective
Dr. Pål Molander – STAMI (Norway)
Dr. Stein Knardahl – STAMI (Norway)
Future working environment challenges in the Netherlands
Dr. Joost Van Genabeek – TNO Work and Employment (Netherlands)
Introduction, day 2
Dr. Didier Baptiste – INRS, Vice-Chairman of PEROSH
Future challenges with respect to the electromagnetic component of the working and living environment
Dr. Jolanta Karpowicz – CIOP-PIB (Poland)
Horizon Scanning and Futures in the Health and Safety Executive – Selected Topics
Dr. Peter Ellwood – Health and Safety Laboratory (United Kingdom)