FIOH is actively contributing to a large EU initiative on human biomonitoring, the HBM4EU. The project aims to promote the use of human biomonitoring (HBM) data in policymaking and risk assessment of chemicals.
FIOH coordinates a task related to the inclusion of human biomonitoring data in risk assessment and human health impact assessment schemes. Analysis of current practices on the use of human biomonitoring in risk assessment and human health impact assessment schemes was published at the end of 2017. It shows that there is still a need for further support and practical guidance on the use of biomonitoring in risk assessment under different legislative frameworks.
Additionally, FIOH coordinates a task related to the targeted occupational studies with EU added value. This task aims to bridge gaps in our knowledge of occupational exposure in different occupations when compared to other exposure sources. In 2018-2019, a targeted occupational study related to the exposure to hexavalent chromium in chrome surface treatment and welding sectors will be performed in a harmonized manner in 8 different countries.
The study is planned to support in the implementation of the EU OSH and REACH legislations in their efforts to reduce the occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium. This study will also explore new methods for the biomonitoring of chromium exposure, including the analysis of hexavalent chromium in exhaled breath condensates. The study plan has been published and the results will be available at the end of 2019.
Tiina Santonen (FIOH) tiina.santonen@ttl.fi
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