This year, PEROSH welcomed ELINYAE, the Greek institute, as a new member of PEROSH. ELINYAE is the main institution for research, information, consultation, support, and training in occupational safety and health (OSH) in Greece. Their membership brings added value to PEROSH, and we look forward to a fruitful cooperation. We had an interview with Rena Baldani, chair of the board of ELINYAE.
What is ELINYAE?
Since its foundation in 1992, ELINYAE is the main institution for the collection and dissemination of knowledge on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in Greece and, by Law 4808/2021, the official consultant of the State for OSH. It is also by Law, the exclusive provider of OSH training in critical groups, including Safety Engineers and Asbestos workers. The Institute is the main point of reference for documentation, as well as for official information in OSH. It is involved in all education levels, particularly in vocational schools and postgraduate studies on OSH and Ergonomics, in collaboration with universities.
How is the governance of the institute organized and what is its role in Greece?
ELINYAE is a non-profit organization, owned by the following social partner entities of Greece:
- General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE),
- Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV),
- Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE),
- Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE),
- Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE)
- Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE).
The vision of ELINYAE is the promotion of health and safety at work as well as of a prevention culture through cooperation of and for the benefit of enterprises, employees and the society as a whole. Apart from its main activities, ELINYAE supports employees and employers/enterprises in all initiatives to provide safe and healthy working environments.
What is the core expertise of ELINYAE?
Its mission is to plan and implement activities and initiatives to improve working conditions and raise awareness among all stakeholders. Towards this mission ELINYAE:
- investigates the working conditions and conduct research and studies, either self-financed or funded, in cooperation with several national and international organizations
- trains safety engineers, occupational physicians, employers and employees
- identifies and assesses harmful factors and agents in workplaces
- provides investigation services for workplace accidents
- provides prompt and reliable information and documentation for occupational health and safety issues, including the main OSH legislation database in the country, updated daily
- undertakes and supports interventions and initiatives at all levels to raise the awareness of employees, enterprises, specialists and citizens
- collaborates with organizations of all educational levels in order to build a health and safety culture, including relevant postgraduate programs.
- collaborates with OSH institutions of the EU, as well as of European and other countries.
Is ELINYAE active in international projects (HORIZON Europe or other programs)?
We have submitted several proposals in Horizon programs. However, they have not been successful to date.
Why did ELINYAE decide to become a member of PEROSH?
As we are part of the world of work, we are all facing an increasing number of shared challenges, including high-speed technological transformation/ digitalization, new types of jobs, climate change etc. We find the same interest in solving pressing problems in the workplace and ensuring a healthy and safe work environment for everyone. We strongly believe, no matter how well established an individual research-performing organization is, it cannot attain excellence on its own. Within this context, strategic partnerships are essential and as challenges increase in complexity and scale, this becomes an imperative.
What does ELINYAE expect from its PEROSH membership?
In fulfilling our goal to become more extrovert, we are open to new synergies. In ELINYAE we share that PEROSH is a unique/important network and we can benefit from it. As a member of PEROSH we will have the opportunity to empower and enforce our capacities through our cooperation with the other European institutions-members. We will be able to share knowledge and practice and to discuss and find viable solutions to tackle the challenges. Our scientific staff may contribute actively in quality research, exchange information and data and disseminating results with other researchers. We consider that our participation in the PEROSH network will add value.
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