In October, Lloyd’s Register Foundation will publish a new report from the World Risk Poll: ‘Engineering safer workplaces: Global trends in occupational safety and health’.
Based on around 147,000 interviews conducted in 142 countries during 2023, the report will shed light on the extent of harm, the frequency of incident reporting, and the extent of safety training taking place in workplaces globally, across different countries, job sectors and demographic groups. The new data helps us consider if and how workplace health and safety training is playing an effective role in preventing injuries, deaths and other occupational harm.
To share and discuss the findings, we are holding a free webinar on Tuesday 22 October from 11:00-12:00 UTC (12:00-13:00 BST). Together with a panel of occupational safety and sector experts, we will explore how the data can be used by policymakers, businesses and international actors to improve reporting, training and other interventions to reduce workplace harm.