Online expert workshop: OSH policy indicators


Please be invited to the ONLINE expert workshop: Occupational Safety and Health Policy Indicators, organized by CIOP-PIB.

The online expert workshop will take place on Friday 16 October between 9 am and 3 pm (CET). The deadline for application is 13 September 2020.

The aim of the expert workshop is to discuss the main conceptual and methodological issues related to OSH monitoring and OSH policy indicators, with a particular focus on indicators and sets of indicators proposed and used by various international, European and national bodies, and to consider the future needs for new OSH indicators.

The workshop aims to bring together a group of senior researchers and others experts of the InGRID-related scientific community involved in OSH monitoring, policymakers and other stakeholders who are involved in OSH policy development.

Please visit the event website to find more information on the event and how to apply.

Participation in this workshop is free of charge.

This expert workshop is one of the upcoming events organized by a Perosh member.

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PEROSH comprises 14 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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