‘Working from home because it is possible and convenient, but above all a conscious choice’, according to a TNO survey of more than 6,000 employees.
Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the working life of the entire working population in The Netherlands. TNO started a cohort study (NWCS-COVID-19) just before the pandemic, and followed this group of employees until 2021. This group completed the regular NWCS in November 2019 and received follow-up questionnaires in June 2020, November 2020, March 2021 and at the end of 2021.
This research by TNO provides insight into the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on working conditions, health and future prospects. In addition, it is also possible to highlight vulnerable groups.
A few other facts from the report:
– 65% of employees always work on location
– Home workers work an average of 20 hours a week from home
– Sedentary behavior has increased in both working time and leisure time
– 7% of all employees have Post-Covid
– 84% of them experience this at work