1st International PEROSH Conference on Prolonging Working Life


This conference took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, the 25-26th May 2020. Approximately 50 participants initially registered. However, due to the COVID-19 situation, we changed the conference into an online version.

The interest in the conference grew as the weeks passed by. Eventually we had quite a packed program with 30 presenters and 135 participants. The presentations dealt with different topics. For example, how to prevent that people leave the labour market prematurely due to hard work and poor health. On the other hand, some speakers focused on how to promote positive factors at the workplace. Factors that make people choose to stay until a high age. A fulfilling job, good colleagues and possibilities for development contribute to this.

The participants were really satisfied with the conference. However, they missed the social interaction. Writing comments in a chat box during presentations is simply not the same as meeting people. We do hope that the 2nd conference will be a more traditional conference with the possibilities for social interaction.

Here you may find the final program. And have a look at the joint PEROSH project on this theme.

The conference contribution of prof. Lars Andersen can be found in the repository.

More information: Prof. Lars L. Anderssen, LLA@nfa.dk

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