A survey by the FIOH collected employees’ views on the effects that the green transition has on work


The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) conducted a study to find out how the green transition is proceeding in workplaces. The survey collected employees’ views of how the green transition and climate change are affecting work. The data was collected in co-operation with Statistics Finland.
The results highlight employees’ views on the sustainability of their own workplaces and reveal the prevalence of related initiatives.

Only 10–20 percent of the respondents identified sustainability measures implemented in their own workplaces. Sustainability initiatives were most common in the manufacturing, construction, the energy and HVAC sector, as well as vehicle and property maintenance.
Sustainability measures were less prevalent in the social services and health care sectors, commerce, and HORECA sectors/hotel and restaurant sectors.

The survey results are published in the Work-Life Knowledge service, where you can find the data in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Read more about the topic
How is the green transition proceeding at workplaces?
Survey provides overview on measures and competence requirements.

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (www.ttl.fi)

More information
Fanni Moilanen, Researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Tel +358 50 576 1356

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