On 9 and 10 July, a delegation from the IFA visited INRS. The delegation was composed of Dietmar Reinert, the institute’s director, Rolf Ellegast, his deputy, and Ina Neitzner, head of scientific communication.
The first half-day was devoted to visits to laboratories on a wide range of subjects, including studies on robots and artificial intelligence, the activities of the microbiology laboratory, work on the prevention of risks linked to aerosols in dental treatment room, and investigations carried out in biometrology.
On the second day, the IFA delegation presented current research projects to INRS department heads before a reciprocal presentation by INRS. These exchanges illustrate the common concerns of the two institutes, which are often tackled with complementary approaches and are a source of collaboration and mutual enrichment.
Contact :
Ina Neitzner : Ina.Neitzner@dguv.de
Louis Laurent : louis.laurent@inrs.fr