INAIL called for a preliminary assessment of the results of the PEROSH joint research project “Futures. Foresight and priority setting in OSH”.
The “Futures. Foresight and priority setting in OSH” project, coordinated by INAIL with the support of IFA, INRS and HSL, was the first PEROSH joint research project witnessing the active participation of all the network members that made available a panel of 110 researchers to be involved in a modified two rounds Delphi survey to define future OSH research priorities and to rank them by the level of importance.
The two years project was completed in June 2016 and its results have been presented during an international workshop that was held in Rome, at INAIL premises, on October 7th, 2016, with the aim of discussing how to exploit the project’s results for improving OSH research capacity to influence future European Research Agendas. The results have been published in a fact sheet which is available for download at
The workshop programme included an introductory session where the PEROSH Chairman and PEROSH Manager International Affairs provided a brief contextualization of the Futures project’s objectives within the PEROSH network activity and a presentation by the Project’s scientific coordinator on the opportunities to include innovative OSH research issues in the scope of the next European Research Agenda given by the surveying approach used in the project. Also EU-OSHA contributed to the workshop via video conferencing presenting an overview on the studies carried out by the Agency for anticipating new and emerging challenges to OSH.
After an overall presentation of the methods and results by the project team, participants were divided into four working groups and were invited to discuss the specific Thematic Areas addressed by the study. The groups provided a general assessment of the study and some useful insights to translate the results in the planning process for next European Research programming period.
A detailed report of the study and workshop outputs will be made available through the PEROSH website as soon as they are ready.