Generating health and safety knowledge for innovative and sustainable workplaces: a PEROSH Perspective


Mary Trainor (HSE), Jan Michiel Meeuwsen (PEROSH), Paulien Bongers (TNO)

In an ever-changing world of work, the promotion of the health and safety of the present and future workforce is crucial for guaranteeing a healthier, longer and more productive working life. National institutes for occupational health and safety research in Europe play a distinctive role in anticipating, creating, and synthesising the evidence needed to underpin and inform the actions of: national policymakers; regulators; health and insurance systems; and industry and trade unions.

Our 14 partner institutes act collectively to: strengthen cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) research and accelerate the generation of knowledge in key areas of OSH; and disseminate and exchange knowledge and information on OSH issues. In 2019, The International Labour Organisation identified that PEROSH has “strong national and regional [European] policy impact”.

PEROSH achieves impact through our core activities including the PEROSH Joint Research Programme and the PEROSH international Wellbeing at Work conference series as well as our outreach and networking activities at national, European and global level. Our activities span the ongoing challenges to health and safety in today’s workplaces, and anticipating and meeting the new challenges and opportunities from technological change, disruptive innovation and the changing world of work. They include research activities in relation to: technologies, materials and equipment in the work environment; demographic change and changing employment practices; and effective work organisation and leadership to reduce occupational accidents and ill-health, while promoting wellbeing at work.

Read our PEROSH article in the European Journal for Workplace Innovation for an overview of our activities.

More information
Mary Trainor, HSE,
Jan Michiel Meeuwsen, PEROSH,

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PEROSH comprises 15 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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