INTERGON – a new interactive software to support ergonomic intervention in reducing musculoskeletal load


INTERGON is the result of a national project entitled Development of an interactive software supporting ergonomic intervention in the field of musculoskeletal load on the upper and lower limbs and back carried out as part of the National Programme for the Improvement of Safety and Working Conditions – Phase V (2020-2022) in the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB).

INTERGON is a software tool containing ergonomic intervention procedures developed during the project, including procedures for assessing musculoskeletal load on the upper and lower limbs and the back. It will be available online to general public in Polish and English by the end of this year and may serve as a tool to assist occupational safety and health (OSH) specialists in conducting ergonomic interventions.

INTEGRON is designed to assess the load and risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders in an employee, resulting from various types of work activities. If the load exceeds the acceptable level, INTERGON proposes an intervention strategy appropriate to the type of activity performed and the area of ​​the body, taking into account factors with a particularly negative impact.

To perform the assessment with INTERGON, data on body angles and position and exerted force must be entered for each work activity. This data is used to calculate the load index for a specific body area for a single activity, i.e. the unit load, and the Load Index.[i] Based on the Load Index, risk zones are determined for each body area. The values ​​of this indicator, as well as the values ​​of indirect indicators, form the basis for intervention recommendations, which are displayed on the screen during the assessment.

More information
Prof. Danuta Roman-Liu

[i] The Load Index expresses the load resulting from the performance of all activities during one working day as a function of parameters such as the relative load of each activity (unit load), duration of each activity, the number of all activities and the variables characterising the number of the same activities occurring during work.

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