Working together for health and safety at work



The responsibility for workplace health and safety in the Netherlands is shared between employers and employees, as the law requires. Every company is obliged to have a prevention officer, who should have a key role in internal prevention activities. In practice, however, only 50% of the companies have yet appointed a prevention officer.

inPreventie, a TNO initiative, aims to increase the number of prevention officers (especially in SME’s) and supports prevention officers with practical knowledge, tools and an online forum.

Results of research and investigations through a think tank led to the development of an online knowledge platform for prevention officers: . On this website, legal requirements have been translated into easy-to-understand language, including examples and tips to help prevention officers to carry out their tasks. Questions can be asked and experiences shared on the discussion forum. Also, many professionals are present; they respond to questions and can be contacted for specific cases. A monthly newsletter gives updates and more tips.

Besides the online platform, inPreventie offers tools for prevention officers. Method cards help them to list and prioritise the risks and discuss topics with colleagues and management. During small, regional group meetings, topics can be discussed and a local network of prevention officers is build.

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PEROSH comprises 15 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes

The PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.


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