JPI: More Years, Better Lives – the Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change


The European Union has launched the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) “More Years, Better Lives – the Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” in order to elaborate a European Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to identify research gaps, define adequate implementation (joint) activities and formulate recommendation to political stakeholders. This will be done by exchanging best practice, pooling of expertise/ financial resources and performing joint activities to provide scientifically proven data to tackle problems related to Demographic Change efficiently.

Among its five focus areas, there is a research agenda on “Work and Productivity” (Working Group 3 (WG3). Several PEROSH institutes have joined this group (FIOH, TNO, BAuA, CIOP-PIB). PEROSH institutes utilized the PEROSH research challenges paper Sustainable workplaces of the future in drafting the JPI draft Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The SRA be finalized by early 2014 in co-operation with the Social and Scientific Advisory Boards and the national policy makers.

The final decisions will be made in the General Assembly of the JPI. Several countries have already reserved funding for the realization of the SRA. Some “fast-track activities” of the SRA have been launched: e.g: fast track data project in order to map a range of data sources available on ageing, at European, national and more local level with 11 out of the total 14 JPI member states.

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More information:

Contact: Mikko Härmä (FIOH): vice-chairman of the Work and Productivity group and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of JPI:

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