The European EMF Forum is a cooperation of national occupational safety and health institutions aiming to enhance the implementation of the EMF directive 2013/35/EU (electromagnetic fields) in the European member states. From PEROSH EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields) experts from IFA and CIOP-PIB are active.
Save the date for the 1st European EMF Forum Conference: 8 years of experience with the EMF directive.
Date: 15-16 November 2021.
Pre-conference gathering for early arrivals: 14 November 2021.
Location: BAuA in Dortmund, Germany.
Costs: € 185,00; incl. catering
Registration: Open in May
The aim is to exchange information on the practical application of the directive in member states and discuss challenges in in-depth workshops or in front of your poster.
The conference provides you with a forum to discuss your experiences and challenges with 2013/35/EU in your home country, to share best practice implementation, and to learn about those of other member states.